Food21 creates a measurable impact on the food economy of western Pennsylvania and the surrounding area. It focuses on improving local and regional food economies' design, operation, regulation, and funding to achieve this.

Food21's Vince Mangini steps up to the One Mic Stand to detail a biodigestor project it is piloting in Indiana County.

The biodigestor is turning dairy waste (manure) into profit while capturing methane for consumer use. He said agriculture is the second-highest industrial producer of methane, equating to 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Farmers in the project will share approx. $1 million in annual profits by providing manure for anaerobic digestion. 

Vince brought Lucca Sirugo of Gruppo EF Technologies to appear on the podcast with him to explain how the company built the digestor and sees a bright future in building more of these across the country.