In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about the Stay At Home Orders and now how many are working from home. Zoom has now made us capable of seeing how our coworkers live. This also has caused more bloopers online especially from reporters working from home. Shawn brings up the fact that the equipment can also provide a step up from a low quality web cam. Justin shares info about doing Wednesday Night Virtual Trivia with OBS Studio for his local Brewery, Bruz Beers. Andy talks with Scott Lien from Grandpad about the company’s solution for Senior Users and how they provide an overall solution for those wanting to stay connected.

Justin and Shawn talk about the Technology of Reporters doing live segments from their homes with the Use of Dejero Hardware. Broadway talks to us about iRacing with NASCAR and explains some of the Technology behind it. Some of the problems that can arise when installing an updated graphics card is case design and Shawn gets one that won't fit. John says it's time for Duct Tape and Bubble Gum to get it to stick! The guys talk about some of the many different cases that are available from Cooler Master or Corsair.

Andy has an issue trying to get an HDMI port running on a laptop the company sent him but is apprehensive to do it without bothering Tech Support. The Guys share some Websites of the Weeks, and Shawn gives a look at, go to software archive and play some old school Dos Video games! Justin remembers Dr. Shrink while John brings up Heretic, and Duke Nukem.

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