Join Dr. Jay and Brad as they interview the fiercest entrepreneur with a lion's heart, Patty Ivey.

Patty Ivey is a visionary entrepreneur who has generated millions of dollars, building and leading three innovative, first-to-market businesses. She has spent zero time in corporate America and does not have a single high-level degree, or resume.

Patty’s leadership style has never fit into a mold. She dreams it up, and it becomes who she is. Her favorite Mantra is “I CAN DO THAT.” Now, she loves knowing she can experience life her way!

Patty is a mentor, life guide and confidante to successful leaders and entrepreneurs, who are no longer inspired by the big mission that once made them come alive. They are ready to move away from all of the doing and explore a deeper sense of being, but not sure how to start. This is where she comes in!

If you want someone who’s trustworthy and a straight shooter, connect with Patty at Her greatest reward is always your personal transformation.