A security vulnerability in Kubernetes causes a big stir, but we’ll break it all down and explain what went wrong.

A security vulnerability in Kubernetes causes a big stir, but we’ll break it all down and explain what went wrong.

Plus the biggest stories out of Kubecon, and serverless gets serious.


Everything that was announced at KubeConCNCF to Host etcd — The Cloud Native Computing Foundation Technical Oversight Committee voted to accept etcd as an incubation-level hosted project.Introduction to Knative — Knative is a framework from the folks at Google and Pivotal focused on “serverless” style event driven functions.IBM Embraces Knative to Drive Serverless Standardization — Knative is not the first open-source functions-as-a-service effort that IBM has backed. Back in 2016, IBM announced the OpenWhisk effort, which is now run as an open-source project at the Apache Software Found.How Google Is Improving Kubernetes Container Security — "We go beyond what's in open source and put additional restrictions in place to secure users"Demystifying Kubernetes CVE-2018-1002105 — With a specially crafted request, users that are authorized to establish a connection through the Kubernetes API server to a backend server can then send arbitrary requests over the same connection directly to that backend, authenticated with the Kubernetes API server’s TLS credentials used to establish the backend connection.The silent CVE in the heart of Kubernetes apiserverCrossplane: An Open Source Multicloud Control Planesecurity.christmas — This year we will prepare you for the Christmas celebration, by giving you small presents of knowledge every day, which will teach you about the world of security.Introducing the Helm Hub — This hub provides a means for you to find charts hosted in many distributed repositories hosted by numerous people and organizations.