Miguel A. Fernandez is the author of the Operative Traditions book series and an industrial engineer.   In this conversation we explore: how tools and creative disciplines shape human beings; how literacy has replaced the intelligence of other senses; the way a craftsman's nervous system fuses with his tools; Eastern traditions, why Westerners seek them, and how they have been coopted by capitalism; how ancient cosmologies cannot easily be applied in cybernetic or industrial cultures; the heroic path; knights templars and freemasons and their legacy in crafts; technique and technology; the constraint of bourgeois values; art as more than entertainment; approaching the internet as a raw material; using paradigms as materials; belonging to something greater than oneself; wholeness as the maximum expression of what is possible in the moment - as opposed to perfection; suffering, guilt and the myth of paradise; approaching power structures themselves as raw materials that can be learned from.  

Find his work here: https://www.thesolarwarrior.com/ 

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Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/ Also on  https://anchor.fm/technosocial