Gregg Henriques is a clinical psychologist and professor at The University of Madison, Virginia. This is part 2 of a 2 part discussion, in which we explore: the notion that we are living through a liminal crisis and existential responses to them - depression, anxiety, following cult leaders, and transcendent pathways; the fragmentation and polarisation of American society; the value and limits of scientific thinking; regulating sex and conflict; Gregg's CALM MO approach to psychological mindfulness, an internalised "wise elder"; Jordan Peterson, male pathos, and creating interpersonal spaces to explore and regulate it; curating a healthy, positively aligned superego; creative, pathic ways to communicate; the danger of the present moment, and the possibilities opened by digital; power games, the distinction between growth hierarchies and dominator hierarchies; ethics and pluralism; and creating teams and processes for designing new social organisations and technologies.

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