From novel treatments for hair loss and microinflammation to fat grafting and breast reconstruction, something transformative is unfolding at Bimini Health Tech, and CEO Brad Conlan is here to tell us about it. 

Standing squarely at the vanguard of autologous innovation — using an individual's own cells in the name of regenerative aesthetics — Bimini seeks to marry convenience and performance with technologies that stand to reshape the way we think about aesthetic treatments.

With decades of experience in regenerative medicine, Brad offers an insider's look at everything from exosomes to stem cells and stromal vascular fraction. 

Tune in to find out how Bimini is unlocking the regenerative power of the human body with autologous, personalized medicine and what the future holds for this exciting segment of the aesthetic market.

Show notes:
0:00 Intro
0:40 Aesthetics Innovation Summit
1:31 Background
3:58 Bimini origins
6:52 A symphony of healing
10:09 Current understanding of hair loss
12:30 Aesthetics as a pipeline for products that work
16:58 Fat grafting and breast reconstruction
19:39 Anticipated raise
22:57 Marrying convenience and performance 
24:54 Other technologies Bimini is looking at
29:07 Crystal ball

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The Technology of Beauty is produced by Influx Marketing, The Digital Agency for Aesthetic Practices.

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