Women in Leadership Foundation Toronto - U.S: a podcast with June Leung on "Beyond the Password: Identity & Access Management."

In this episode, June Leung and Kristina Au, demystify  the field of Cybersecurity and specifically, IAM (Identity and Access Management). Technical skill is not the end-all and be-all to get oneself into a highly technical career. In many cases, individuals do not realize opportunities are readily in front of them.  Genuine interests in a subject and having an inquisitive mind would lead to many possibilities…

June has over 15-years of expertise in the Information Security field, leading Identity and Access Management and encryption programs within the Canadian financial industry including Moneris, RBC, TD and FundSERV.  June currently leads Identity and Access Management at Moneris and is responsible for managing and continuously evolving the identity and access management programs and capabilities including, EIAM, CIAM, PAM and cryptography. She regularly coaches young professionals in their pursuits of cybersecurity  careers, and giving talks at industry conferences and universities. She is actively involved in her community, and a co-chair for a local middle school.

🔸 Curious? Then listen in 🎧 to this podcast to learn about June's journey from her studies in Fine Arts to an exciting career in Identity & Access Management, and what can you do to kick start a career in #Cybersecurity or other exciting technology fields.

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