In this episode, Raena, Mark, Michael, and Ty discussed all the latest in tech, including the latest figures released on the Amazon Fire phone (and it doesn’t look good). Intel...


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In this episode, Raena, Mark, Michael, and Ty discussed all the latest in tech, including the latest figures released on the Amazon Fire phone (and it doesn’t look good). Intel revealed the details of what is believed to be the world’s smallest 3G modem, which comes in at no more than 300mm squared.

Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 has been released, the third iteration that the software company hopes to bring it into the more contemporary devices and platform world.

The editor of Aussie gaming site published a very poignant statement on the importance of equality in gaming, and declaring that hatred towards females and minority groups is unwelcome on the forum.

And in government, our Attorney General George Brandis has been asked to put his data where his mouth is, with Australian Greens communications spokesperson – Scott Ludlam – requesting that he publish his own metadata to the Australian people, to demonstrate that there is no harm in revealing metadata in the way the government proposes.

And finally, we discussed a biometrically aware shirt – which will be used during this year’s US Open to monitor the wearer’s vital signs.

The post Worlds smallest 3G modem, Apple announcement coming soon, heart rate sensing tennis shirts appeared first on Technogaze.

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