The studio was empty this week as Raena & Michael ventured afar with an outside broadcast to bring to you this special In-Car Edition of Technogaze. POODLE is the latest...


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The studio was empty this week as Raena & Michael ventured afar with an outside broadcast to bring to you this special In-Car Edition of Technogaze.

POODLE is the latest SSL vulnerability taking advantage of a technology that should have been retired long ago. Many websites are now likely to remove SSL 3.0 support which will result in applause from the tech community – as if a wooden stake was driven through the heart of IE6.

Chinese officials will tame the disorderly internet by prohibiting paid commentary. Affecting journalists and bloggers, the Government prefers that its own web commentators, the Wu Mao to guide public opinion on controversial issues.

The Tesla S D, for dual, has two motors to independently power the front and rear axles. Making the car super grippy it also improves driving range and allows the vehicle to go from 0-100 in 3.4 seconds. A software upgradeable Autopilot feature relies on in-built sensors, radar and camera to provide adaptive cruise control and in the future – a go-fetch feature where the car will come to you when you are ready to be collected. GM has changed tracks and will now support both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto for its vehicles instead of trying to write its own ecosystem. Aftermarket Navdy is a Heads Up Display unit that can be fitted to any existing vehicle to provide emails, texts and navigation that hover 6 feet in front of the windscreen.

Ello, the ad-free social network, burst onto our consciousness a few weeks ago. According to Google trends, which provides feedback on how often terms are used in Google searches, the interest in Ello has waned as quickly as it had peaked. Could this be goodbye for Ello? Apple & Facebook have added freezing of womens eggs to the medical coverage that they provide to employees – augmenting a number of existing fertility treatments that are available.

Both Apple & Google released new products this week. The iPad and iPad mini range have been revamped with the iPad2 faster, lighter and cheaper. Whilst Android Lollipop will appear on the latest Google reference devices – the Nexus 6 phone and Nexus 9, iPad Air competitor, tablet.

The post Disorderly Internet, Fast Cars, Frozen Eggs and POODLE appeared first on Technogaze.

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