In this – the final episode for 2014 – Michael and Mark discussed Tim Cook’s substantial contribution to a campaign promoting GLBTIQ acceptance in the Southern US states of Arkansas,...


The post Apple CEO Tim Cook donates to GLBTIQ campaign, Alibaba’s rumoured gaming console, photo sharing apps appeared first on Technogaze.

In this – the final episode for 2014 – Michael and Mark discussed Tim Cook’s substantial contribution to a campaign promoting GLBTIQ acceptance in the Southern US states of Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi.  Popular photo sharing app Intagram performed what has now been dubbed the “Instagram Rapture” – disabling millions of accounts that were deemed to be fake or spam (Justin Bieber alone lost 3.5 million followers as a result).

Rumours are swirling around that the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba (estimated to be worth USD $20bn) is gearing up to begin manufacturing its very own gaming console, to take on Microsoft’s XBox and Sony’s Playstation ecosystems.  Sony has decided to stand up to the hacking and threats of terrorist acts over the release of its recent movie “The Interview” – with select cinemas across the US deciding to screen the movie afterall, and a further online release on Google, Microsoft and Sony movie services.

Back in the land down under, the Australian government, in an effort to understand the impact of its proposed data retention laws, has released a questionaire to ISPs, requiring them to complete a response in 14 business days.

And finally, the French are up in arms over use of the acronym “LOL”, declaring that full word phrases such as “mort de rire” are best use of the language of romance.

Tune in next week as it’s our final week before a three month break!

The post Apple CEO Tim Cook donates to GLBTIQ campaign, Alibaba’s rumoured gaming console, photo sharing apps appeared first on Technogaze.

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