It may have been Grand Final day, but Mark and Michael resisted the urge to kick a footy round the studio and opted to look at how a future Space...


The post Alibaba shellshocked into space on a bent phone appeared first on Technogaze.

It may have been Grand Final day, but Mark and Michael resisted the urge to kick a footy round the studio and opted to look at how a future Space Elevator may change the way we go into space into the future.  The Victorian Government in conjunction with Facebook have launched a campaign to combat cyber bullying with targeted videos and messages to young people and their parents – to help equip them with tools and confidence to react to it.

Yahoo as an early investor in Alibaba has made a lot of money, but shareholder confidence is still waning.  And Eric Schmidt, the Google Chairman, was doling out advice to the Europeans on accepting disruption or face the peril of higher unemployment.

The world was #shellshocked by the latest bug found in open source linux.  Lying dormant for 22 years, the bug in the bash shell can be easily exploited by injection type attacks.  There was a lot of noise and probably less substance to the iPhone 6+ bending stories that have occupied the blogosphere this last week.

Australian ingenuity and fondness for a brew, combined in Queensland with QUT students fermenting leather like textiles.

The post Alibaba shellshocked into space on a bent phone appeared first on Technogaze.

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