This is the 23rd episode of the TechnoFunda Investing Podcast on Achieving Financial Freedom Series.

In this session, we will deep Dive into Patterns of Wealth Destroyers in Stock Market that you should know and avoid while taking investment decisions.

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Vivek Mashrani, the founder of Technofunda Investing, shows you top stocks that crashed big time over the past few years and turned out to be the biggest wealth destroyers. In theory, buying low and selling high appears to be a promising way to make money in the stock market. But in practice, it's very difficult, if not impossible. That's because a stock can keep falling even after you think it has hit rock bottom. 

There are many stocks that have fooled investors this way. Many of these were once big, well-known companies.

In this podcast, you will learn below 5 Deadly Patterns of Wealth Destruction that Every Investor Must Avoid including below topics:

IntroductionWhy is it important to study the patterns of wealth destroyers in the stock market5 principles that can help you in your investing journey1st pattern - High leverage and overconfidence: How to Find it?2nd pattern - Bad sector and How to Identify and Avoid such Sectors?3rd pattern - Earnings growth issue and How to Detect them?4th pattern - Accounting Red Flags and How to Find them?5th pattern - Bad capital allocation

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This podcast will be very useful if you are searching for below:
- Biggest wealth destroyers in Stock Market
- How not lose money in the stock market?
- Wealth Destroyer Stocks
- Wealth Creators or Wealth Destroyers
- How not lose the Capital?
- List of wealth destroyer stocks
- Why do people lose money in the stock market?
- Top wealth destroyers in the stock market
- Patterns of wealth destroyers in the stock market
- How do people lose money in the stock market?

Disclaimer: Only for educational purposes. Kindly consult your financial advisor for investment-related advice. All stocks/sectors discussed here are only used as examples to understand concepts in a better way.