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In this podcast, Abhishek Basumallick is covering various topics on Achieving Financial Freedom including:

How to thinking about investing approach? What is concept of savings and assets?How to start planning for Financial Freedom?How to create process oriented approach towards investing?How to detach yourself emotionally from one investing style? How to adapt with market conditions?What are the basic building blocks around Quant Investing process?How to think about Financial Independence? Whether one should leave a job to do full-time investing?Importance of continuously learning and being better in terms of psychologyWhat are some good resources to get started?

Below are the some of the resources for books and learning and you can also explore his websites:

Books For Multi-Disciplinary Learning: ACCESS HIS BLOG

Website of Intelsense >> ACCESS HERE

Website of Quantamental >> ACCESS HERE

ValuePickr Forum >> ACCESS HEREĀ 

Disclaimer: All the discussions and examples are for knowledge sharing purpose. Please consult your financial advisor for any queries or before taking any financial decision.

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