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53 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 8 ratings

TechnoAgorist is a daily program which focuses on the intersection of technology and agorism in our everyday lives.

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Episode 53 - When a Feature Isn't a Feature

September 05, 2021 06:52 - 7.2 MB

Both government and so-called private companies love playing with words, like when Apple recently announced new "features" which significantly harm user privacy and security.

Episode 52 - The One-Size-Fits-All Blockchain

February 17, 2021 07:30 - 6.57 MB

Everyone seemingly has their favorite crypto project and blockchain. But, is there such a thing as a one-size-fits-all blockchain? Should there be?

Episode 51 - Mixed Signals

January 20, 2021 22:10 - 8.18 MB

Many people are moving to Signal, the messaging application. But, how secure is it? Can we trust that messages sent on it will remain private?

Episode 50 - The Memory Hole

January 18, 2021 07:28 - 6.66 MB

After decades of the almost completely free spread of information, the web has now become the center of history's greatest censorship battle. Don't let yourself be memory-holed.

Episode 49 - Crypto Is Money

January 06, 2021 06:51 - 5.89 MB

People who think of cryptocurrencies as something to hold, something to invest in miss the point. Crypto is designed to do things that only crypto can do and its value is in its utility, in its use as money.

Episode 48 - Live Simply

January 01, 2021 07:37 - 5.81 MB

My goal for 2021 is to live simply. This means focusing on the things which I value most and setting aside the things I don't.

Episode 47 - The What About Bobification of America

December 22, 2020 17:04 - 5 MB

What About Bob was funnier when it was just a movie.

Episode 46 - Agorism as a Means, Not an End

November 30, 2020 05:32 - 5.72 MB

When Samuel Konkin III described Agorism, he described it as a means toward an end. Agorist purists miss the point when they describe it as an end in and of itself.

Episode 45 - President Gilligan

November 16, 2020 05:17 - 4.51 MB

Gilligan and the other castaways had a straightforward problem. They needed to dig a well. The funny thing is that their solution and the consequences of that solution are surprisingly relevant to our lives today.

Episode 44 - Do NPCs Dream of Electric Sheep?

November 10, 2020 04:09 - 5.6 MB

I have always enjoyed Philip K. Dick's work and the movies based off of it. Recently, I found myself contrasting the real-life NPCs in the world today with the replicants portrayed in the movie Blade Runner.

Episode 43 - Broken Security Is No Security

November 09, 2020 04:43 - 6.77 MB

The feds have once again demanded access to all encrypted data, whether through a front door or a back door. But, what really does this mean? How does this affect our data security?

Episode 42 - Whoever Wins... We Live

November 05, 2020 03:49 - 5.42 MB

In case you haven't heard, there was a presidential election yesterday. They say it was the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIME! Instead of freaking out, let's take a step back and check our perspective.

Episode 41 - Local Politics Is Still Politics

October 28, 2020 03:43 - 5.02 MB

Many people think that local government is less bad, less destructive than higher levels of government. That just isn't the case and completely misses the real problem.

Episode 40 - $60 Keycaps

October 26, 2020 04:33 - 5.92 MB

A world with $60 keycaps is better than any world designed by central planners.

Episode 39 - Submission Signaling

June 23, 2020 06:48 - 6.6 MB

A lot has changed in the US over the last few months. Are you going to go with the flow and signal submission to the authoritarians? Or, are you going to stand for something more?

Episode 38 - Stop and Take a Breath

March 22, 2020 05:23 - 4.73 MB

The world might be going crazy, but a pause for perspective keeps us sane in the midst of it.

Episode 37 - Waco pt. 3 of 3 Judgment Day (MLGA recast)

March 01, 2020 21:28 - 35.3 MB

Two days ago was the 27th anniversary of the slaughter of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Today, I am sharing the final episode of a three part miniseries about those events. It is a recast from the Make Liberty Great Again podcast. This will blow your mind.

Episode 36 - Waco pt. 2 of 3 Operation Showtime (MLGA recast)

February 29, 2020 21:36 - 28.3 MB

Yesterday was the 27th anniversary of the slaughter of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Today, I am sharing the second of a three part miniseries about those events. It is a recast from the Make Liberty Great Again podcast. Strap in, because this is going to hurt.

Episode 35 - Waco pt. 1 of 3 The Sinful Messiah (MLGA recast)

February 28, 2020 19:50 - 31.3 MB

On today, the 27th anniversary of the slaughter of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, I wanted to share the first of a three part miniseries about those events. It is a recast from the Make Liberty Great Again podcast. This will blow your mind.

Episode 34 - Repugnant Industries and the Free Market

January 30, 2020 03:59 - 4.85 MB

Having open, decentralized, free market solutions is a good thing, regardless of who utilizes them.

Episode 33 - Pornhub, Paypal, and Decentralized Services

January 28, 2020 05:49 - 10 MB

PayPal recently cut off Pornhub from its service and consequently put the livelihoods of over one hundred thousand performers at risk. How did Pornhub respond? What can we learn from this?

Episode 32 - Politics Is Not the Answer

January 24, 2020 05:19 - 12.2 MB

Thousands of people protest, yet the state doesn't care. Is politics the solution? Or, is politics actually the problem?

Episode 31 - Augmented Life

January 22, 2020 04:41 - 6.29 MB

Whether you realize it or not, augmented reality is steadily growing and making its way into our lives. It will eventually open up incredible new possibilities for agorists and anyone else.

Episode 30 - Knowledge and Humility

January 21, 2020 04:00 - 7.08 MB

No matter how much we know, there are always holes in our knowledge and understanding. It is essential that we always stay open to learning new things, even if it reveals that we were wrong about something.

Episode 29 - The Boogaloo

January 15, 2020 03:36 - 7.44 MB

People are talking about the Boogaloo, but what is it? Should it scare us?

Episode 28 - The Meme War

January 08, 2020 05:41 - 6.74 MB

We live in a connected world where information spreads like wildfire. In this connected world, memes have become more than just cute images to be shared among friends. They are tools to sneak truth into the public consciousness, and governments are beginning to dip their feet into that world. Could we be witnessing the beginning of the first meme war?

Episode 27 - Voting With Your Dollars

November 19, 2019 14:54 - 7.14 MB

The market itself is amoral, it has no concept of right and wrong. We, meanwhile, have consciences which affect how we interact with the market. Some people use the violence of government to try and shape the market, others simply follow their own consciences.

Episode 26 - Aaron Swartz and Information Freedom

November 06, 2019 06:56 - 7.58 MB

Aaron Swartz had a passion for the free and open exchange of information. He did what he knew was right, and modeled agorism in a powerful way.

Episode 25 - DNS Security

October 23, 2019 06:01 - 13.1 MB

Seemingly everyone is interested in internet security. They want everything encrypted and secure. But, few people even give a thought to the DNS requests we send all day every day and which are still sent in plain text over the internet.

Episode 24 - Champions of Freedom

October 17, 2019 04:57 - 4.15 MB

Who are our champions of freedom?

Episode 23 - The Ethereum Virtual Machine

October 15, 2019 05:56 - 7.43 MB

What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine and how is it the perfect agorist tool?

Episode 22 - The Thin Line Between Private and Public

June 19, 2019 04:07 - 5.56 MB

When businesses censor our speech and limit our freedoms, is it really fair to give them a pass because they are considered private companies?

Episode 21 - The Importance of Data Decentralization

June 05, 2019 04:07 - 6.06 MB

Privacy goes hand in hand with autonomy. One strategy for protecting your personal information online is to decentralize your data.

Episode 20 - The Importance of Perspective

May 16, 2019 04:07 - 4.07 MB

Perspective is critically important. Too few people realize that our inward state of mind is primarily determined by our perspective.

Episode 19 - Self-Education

May 14, 2019 04:07 - 5.92 MB

Can you really be free if you don't know how to utilize the materials available around you to teach yourself?

Episode 18 - Democracy Is Slavery

May 13, 2019 04:07 - 5.66 MB

Democracy is a popular concept that is often equated with freedom and equality. But, is that really fair? Might democracy just be another form of slavery?

Episode 17 - Attention Pollution and Self-Ownership

May 07, 2019 04:07 - 7.2 MB

Does one person's preferences trump another person's right to their body?

Episode 16 - The Right Enemies

May 06, 2019 04:07 - 5.1 MB

We often argue all day long over who is right and who is wrong. How do we know who are the right enemies to be fighting?

Episode 15 - Is Statism Pragmatic?

May 02, 2019 04:07 - 4.29 MB

Statists will often say that they are just being pragmatic, and that is why they want the state to solve problems for them. But, is using the state to solve our problems really pragmatic?

Episode 14 - Transportation and Autonomy

May 01, 2019 04:07 - 5.69 MB

These days, more and more teenagers are not interested in having cars and driving. Might this be a problem? Is it possible for you to be free if you can't transport yourself?

Episode 13 - Crypto... Better Than Gold?

April 30, 2019 04:07 - 11.4 MB

Many people are quick to discount or dismiss cryptocurrencies in favor of gold. But, could crypto actually be a better currency?

Episode 12 - My DNA, My Choice

April 29, 2019 04:07 - 6.05 MB

While governments are doing their best to collect every type of information on their citizens, countless people are willingly giving that information up. Should we be concerned about who we give our genetic information to?

Episode 11 - Measles and National Security

April 25, 2019 04:07 - 4.83 MB

Joe Lieberman is back from neocon retirement to declare that measles is a national security threat. His proposed solution is for the government to invade the privacy and security of people's lives.

Episode 10 - Where We Can Be Free

April 24, 2019 04:07 - 6.18 MB

All throughout history, people have searched for where they can be free. What are our options today? Where can we really find freedom at this point?

Episode 9 - My Organs, My Choice

April 23, 2019 04:07 - 5.05 MB

For decades, there has been a shortage of human organs for transplant. What would happen if people were free to sell their organs?

Episode 8 - People Online and in the So-Called Real World

April 22, 2019 04:07 - 4.97 MB

People complain that folks are fake online, implying that they are more honest in the so-called "real world." But, is that really the case?

Episode 7 - Violence, Rights, and Front Yard Gardens

April 19, 2019 04:07 - 5.61 MB

Florida recently announced that they are GIVING Floridians the RIGHT to plant gardens in their front yards. But, is that really how rights work?

Episode 6 - Privacy Rights and Regulations

April 18, 2019 04:07 - 9.5 MB

People are upset over how businesses are violating their privacy and are turning to government violence to fix these problems. But, who ultimately are hurt by these regulations, and who are helped by them?

Episode 5 - The Cancer of Absolutism

April 17, 2019 04:07 - 4.9 MB

There is a cancer which infects many ideologies, even agorism.

Episode 4 - The Currency of Life

April 16, 2019 04:07 - 4.44 MB

What is the most valuable limited resource in the world? Who should decide how that resource is used?