Technically PVP Show Notes


Episode106 - Hook Point Arena


23:52 - Need-Greed-Pass

In this segment, one of the host’s will pose a scenario with three options related to WOW. The participants need to decide which option they will Need; which they will Greed; and which they will pass! So let the hilarity commence as we will decide what we will Need Greed & Pass!

What would you watch? 1.AWC  2.CDL  3.Summer Bowl


35:26 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events

Dalaran Gaming hosts 5v5 1v1 duels. So teams of 5 that 1v1 duel (pokemon style?). Keep an eye out - Official EsportsNA Qualifiers - 27-28 JunEU Finals 4 JulNA Finals 5 JulWeek 1 - 22-23 AugWeek 2 - 29-30 AugWeek 3 - 5-6 SepWeek 4 - 12-13 SepEU Finals - 26 SepNA Finals - 27 SepClassic Summer Bowl - Global Finals 10 - 12 Jul - BFA Ciruit -


40:00 - Subject of Analysis

Today we will discuss Hook Point Arena.


1:00:35 - WOW PVP NEWS

Hot Fixes - EU Cup 4 - 12 Jun - Congrats to Wildcard Gaming! - NA Cup 4 - 13 Jun - Congratulations to Cloud9! That was 4 consecutive first place wins! - Summer Bowl EU Qualifiers happened 20-21 JunGreat games throughout! Grats to team Apes for taking first place, and to all the teams that played this great series!Classic EU Duelers League Finished 19 Jun - Congrats to Odelaegger (Shadow Priest) - sold off to FBTwitch addons sold off to Overwolf


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Technically -

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Andallyn -

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