Episode 23 - Tiger’s Peak

Upcoming WoW PVP Events

GCDTV EU May Clash - 4-7 May - 17 teams https://battlefy.com/gcdtv/gcdtv-eu-may-clash/58d437e75c9a453f0330b1e7/info?infoTab=schedule Warcraft NA Cup #2 10-14 May - https://battlefy.com/world-of-warcraft-arena-world-championship/world-of-warcraft-north-america-arena-cup-2/58fa831e5e41d903404ada20/info?infoTab=details Warcraft ANZ cup #1 20/27 May - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20754506556


Rubcub kicked from team…. Loses comp points.  Replaced by Kubzy for druid comps - https://twitter.com/kaska8th/status/856626805456773121 Method won the GCDTV NA Clash Tournament 22-23 Apr https://battlefy.com/gcdtv/gcdtv-na-april-clash/58d2dc708d61cf3e039cd6fd/info?infoTab=details “Enjoy Legion” won the Warcraft EU Cup #1 29-30 Apr; Congrats to Wallirik, Froffsy, Looney, and Zeepeye - http://wiki.teamliquid.net/worldofwarcraft/Arena_Cup/2017/EU/1 http://wow.starladder.tv/en/tournaments/1398 Hotfixes: Fixed immunity bug (tanks/fcs), Brawl quest rewards changed, Warriors’ cc’s nerfed - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/20653889/hotfixes-may-1 Today is the 10yr anniversary of the very first 3v3 wow tournament! - https://twitter.com/iamvhell/status/860187465079963649 Children’s Week - help your friends.  Be prepared to have people join but not play/don’t know what to do.


Subject of Analysis

Today we will discuss the arena Tiger’s Peak. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Tiger%27s_Peak


Warcraft PVP Scene

NA Bracket


EU PVP Brackets:



Finding Us

Technically - https://www.twitch.tv/technically_pvp


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Andallyn - https://twitter.com/Andallyn1244

Windstead - https://twitter.com/windstead84

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