Next Episode: Ep 121 - MW Monks 9.0

Technically PVP Show Notes

Episode 120 - Developing Passion

21:34 - Need-Greed-Pass

Arena Game replays   Arena Resume System   Address Convoke and seed

37:47 - Subject of Analysis

Today we are talking with Chris about being a game designer on the World of Warcraft team, what that was like (ups and downs), and to discuss what we have enjoyed or disliked over the years.

2:03:42 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events

Dalaran Gaming hosts 5v5 1v1 duels.  So teams of 5 that 1v1 duel (pokemon style).  Keep an eye out - 3v3 Tournaments will continue on the weekends!Blizzard Tournaments ( EU Cup 1 - 15 JanAWC NA Cup 1 - 16 JanMDI Cup 1 - 22-24 JanAWC EU Cup 2 - 29 JanAWC NA Cup 2 - 30 JanMDI Cup 2 - 5-7 FebAWC EU Cup 3 - 12 FebAWC NA Cup 3 - 13 FebMDI Cup 3 - 26-28 FebAWC EU Cup 4 - 5 MarAWC NA Cup 4 - 6 MarMDI Cup 4 - 12-14 Mar

2:10:06 - WOW PVP NEWS

Hotfixes - is over!  Congratulations to Complexity-Limit for taking World First!  Also, congrats to Echo, Pieces, FatSharkYes, Skyline, Isillien, Jitianhong and Method for finishing Mythic Castle Nathria!Gold selling account bans - Blizzard has changed their policy and will ban accounts created just for the purpose of advertising boosts/carries for gold.Albeit not PVP specific, we have all seen enough “WTS xxx” in trade chat and LFG, I feel this was relevant.

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Chris Kaleiki -

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Technically -

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