Today's techlondon podcast features Gareth, co-founder of Town Square, discussing our upcoming #techlondon and London Coworking Assembly workshop at UCL's Entrepreneurial and Innovation Centre.

RSVP for the event here.

The workshop is co-created with OfficeRnD - listen to the #techlondon podcast with Miro, OfficeRnD co-founder, here.

The workshop aims to help participants find opportunities, connections and directions in London's entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Town Square startup club is an example of a support group for founders going through similar experiences.

About the Workshop

The workshop aims to democratize the entrepreneurial ecosystem by making it accessible and clear to everyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made people more aware of local resources and how they can contribute to the ecosystem.

The What if everyone was an entrepreneur concept is introduced, which challenges the idea that only certain people can be entrepreneurs.

The workshop aims to help people become more entrepreneurial in different walks of life and industries.

Adaptability and entrepreneurship are discussed as crucial for success in the modern economy.

Town Square offers resources for starting a responsible business, and in his newsletter, The Good Founder, Gareth covers responsible business and B Corps topics.

Further reading

Download - What if everyone could walk to work?

Download - What if everyone was an entrepreneur?

Links mentioned in the show

Gareth on LinkedIn

Gareth on Twitter

Town Sq on Twitter

Gareths "The Good Founder" newsletter

Town Square by Old Steet Roundabout

Three Sixty Work Rooms Barking

London Coworking Assembly

Creator Write Club - daily free to attend writing meet up in London coworking spaces.

Bernie on LinkedIn

Subscribe to our podcast and learn more about the #techlondon community HERE!

(p.s. Bernie forgot to switch his podcast mic on, so he recorded this one through his laptop mic.) #techfail

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