Jim Glennon, who has spent the last three decades working as a trainer, consultant, and service developer for organisations that aim to improve the world, joins us today. He has a background in teaching, training, and human resources, and he also has experience in counselling and leading workshops.

Jim is one of a team of LGBT people with management and CIPD (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) experience who are making a difference in the workplace by advising businesses on how to become more welcoming to LGBT employees.

Jim discusses the importance of inclusive policies and the need for specific channels through which members of the LGBT community can report incidents of harassment and bullying.

Jim educates businesses on how to pass the Pride UK Quality Standard, which evaluates how well they deal with customers who are in the same sex relationships as their employees.

He also talks about how to deal with the shame and alienation that trans people often feel at work, as well as how to post stuff on a website without coming off as pride washing.

Where to reach Jim:

Jim on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-glennon-71254824b/

Jim Glennon Training: https://www.jimglennontraining.com/

Links mentioned:

CIPD: https://www.cipd.org/en/

Pride UK Quality Standard: https://www.prideukqualitystandard.com/

Last Friday SuperSocial Connector Event for Creators X Believe In Greatness: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/last-friday-supersocial-connector-event-for-creators-x-believe-in-greatness-tickets-559535053407?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Impact Brixton: https://impactbrixton.com/

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