Back for 2024, of course the techgrumps wish you a grumpy new year!Straight back from the festive period and our xmas special. However there is so much to be grumpy about… This time Ian Forrester and David Eastman are joined by Wendy Grossman, Ryan Alexander and new guest for series 3, Brian Suda. Enjoy the […]

Back for 2024, of course the techgrumps wish you a grumpy new year!
Straight back from the festive period and our xmas special. However there is so much to be grumpy about…

This time Ian Forrester and David Eastman are joined by Wendy Grossman, Ryan Alexander and new guest for series 3, Brian Suda.

Enjoy the mp3 audio and share with others.

Remember to use the #techgrumps on any social networks you maybe using to message us or learn more about how to be a guest on the show.

Topics this month include

Is 2024 the year for the human web renaissance and the small fediverse?

The on-going British post office scandal, techno pessimism and freedom for the postcode address file

23andMe data breach and blaming the users

Stay grumpy…!

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