As we head towards the holiday season with all the joy and happiness, there is always time for a side of grumpiness. Don’t worry the techgrumps have you covered and sticking close to our hour-ish podcast target. This time Ian Forrester is joined by David Eastman and Wendy Grossman. Enjoy the mp3 audio and share […]

As we head towards the holiday season with all the joy and happiness, there is always time for a side of grumpiness. Don’t worry the techgrumps have you covered and sticking close to our hour-ish podcast target.

This time Ian Forrester is joined by David Eastman and Wendy Grossman.

Enjoy the mp3 audio and share with others.

Remember to use the #techgrumps on any social networks you maybe using to message us or learn more about how to be a guest on the show.

Topics this time around include…

Why search engines don’t work any more

The EV market and driverless autonomous fleet experiments stall.

AI summits, Clearview, GenAI guidelines, Facial recognition, Facewatch and much more

Ageism in Silicon Valley and Tech generally.

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