Techcess asks "how cyber security safe is your business?" Techcess Technology Podcast - Episode 20: Mark explains the steps you can take to be cyber safe in 2022 Cyber security is something business owners don't worry about until it's already too late!

Let's be honest about this, most of those whose business is impacted by a cyber security attack probably didn't worry too much about their protection levels.

(Would you like to read a 90% accurate transcript of this episode? You can do so by clicking here)

That's probably one of the reasons why they've become vulnerable to an attack in the first place!

The good news is by finding this podcast, you're already ahead of your competitors when it comes to this fight.

If you've just discovered "Techcess", make sure you trawl back through our previous episodes so you can learn exactly what risks and dangers you're facing on a daily basis.

For example, in this episode ( we talk about phishing attacks, and how you really DON'T want to endure on in your business.

Oh, and this one all about ransomware will give you nightmares, too! 

In this episode, our very own Mark Riddell from the Techcess team at m3 Networks talks us through stuff we need to consider if we want to be cyber security safe in 2022.

He talks us through the National Cyber Security Centre's general advice for small businesses. You can check out their guide, here.

He also explains the various options you can follow up now for peace of mind, including getting in touch with your current IT provider.

If they're any good, maybe they'll run you through the stuff you need to know like Cyber Essentials.

Otherwise, you could always talk to us at m3 Networks.

We're always happy to help and an initial chat costs nothing:

If you're a smaller business, then it's likely that you're probably thinking of going down the DIY route.

In which case, this episode is a must listen for you.

We cover:

Password policy

Technical actions

Risk assessment

Vulnerability assessment

In case you want to be really thorough, we also cover the things we check when we're working with our clients, such as Microsoft 365 audits and the NIST Framework compliance.

Get more valuable technology insights from m3's blog pages, here.

Mark Riddell's technology podcast "Techcess" is an m3 Networks production. Mark and the team have created this podcast to help you and their clients understand how technology can help them in their industry and business, including helping them with cyber security solutions. To find out more about Mark Riddell and the rest of the m3 team,...

Techcess asks "how cyber security safe is your business?" Techcess Technology Podcast - Episode 20: Mark explains the steps you can take to be cyber safe in 2022 Cyber security is something business owners don't worry about until it's already too late!

Let's be honest about this, most of those whose business is impacted by a cyber security attack probably didn't worry too much about their protection levels.

(Would you like to read a 90% accurate transcript of this episode? You can do so by clicking here)

That's probably one of the reasons why they've become vulnerable to an attack in the first place!

The good news is by finding this podcast, you're already ahead of your competitors when it comes to this fight.

If you've just discovered "Techcess", make sure you trawl back through our previous episodes so you can learn exactly what risks and dangers you're facing on a daily basis.

For example, in this episode ( we talk about phishing attacks, and how you really DON'T want to endure on in your business.

Oh, and this one all about ransomware will give you nightmares, too! 

In this episode, our very own Mark Riddell from the Techcess team at m3 Networks talks us through stuff we need to consider if we want to be cyber security safe in 2022.

He talks us through the National Cyber Security Centre's general advice for small businesses. You can check out their guide, here.

He also explains the various options you can follow up now for peace of mind, including getting in touch with your current IT provider.

If they're any good, maybe they'll run you through the stuff you need to know like Cyber Essentials.

Otherwise, you could always talk to us at m3 Networks.

We're always happy to help and an initial chat costs nothing:

If you're a smaller business, then it's likely that you're probably thinking of going down the DIY route.

In which case, this episode is a must listen for you.

We cover:

Password policy

Technical actions

Risk assessment

Vulnerability assessment

In case you want to be really thorough, we also cover the things we check when we're working with our clients, such as Microsoft 365 audits and the NIST Framework compliance.

Get more valuable technology insights from m3's blog pages, here.

Mark Riddell's technology podcast "Techcess" is an m3 Networks production. Mark and the team have created this podcast to help you and their clients understand how technology can help them in their industry and business, including helping them with cyber security solutions. To find out more about Mark Riddell and the rest of the m3 team, visit them here and follow them on Linkedin.

If you want to get in touch about technology or cyber security, just address an email directly at Mark here. He'll be very happy to hear from you.

Thanks for listening! If you enjoy this episode, make sure you follow the podcast via your favourite app.

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