The global pandemic has impacted every industry, but one industry that will face more impact than most is the Real Estate industry.

In this podcast, we’ll look at the pandemic’s impact on the Future of Buildings from the Design, Build and Operate perspectives. 


Tim Kobe

Founder and CEO, Eight Inc.  Founder and Chairman, x8ventures Author of the new book, Return on Experience

Thomas Jakob

Regional President, Bosch.IO Asia Pacific

Susheel Koul

Division President - Corporate Solutions, JLL Asia Pacific

Show Notes

02:00 Intro to the guests, their companies and the role they play in the Future of Buildings

03:30 What’s something that the pandemic has fundamentally changed with your business?

08:40 Once you got over the initial shock of the pandemic, what opportunities did you identify that your companies should go after?

14:20 Let’s say that I am your customer. Not only am I trying to ensure that I can create a safe and secure environment for my employees, customers and citizens to return to, but also an environment they WANT to return to. What advice would you give me?

21:15 You each sell products & services to corporate clients, but people are the end users. How do you incorporate the consumer - or employee - or citizen experience into your work?

27:50 One positive that has come about as a result of the pandemic, is that governments have used the time to fast-track their sustainability initiatives - which will hopefully lead to more green & energy efficient buildings in the future. How has this increased focus on sustainability impacted your company and your clients?

33:25 You each possess a vision for what is possible - even if the market isn’t ready for it. Tell me about something your company has the capabilities to deliver, but you’re still waiting for someone to say, “yeah, let’s go for it”.

38:20 The pandemic has forced companies to care more about the welfare of their employees. The question is, will this corporate empathy last when we shift into the post-pandemic world?

43:00 What is your key takeaway that the audience should remember for the post-Covid future?

47:00 Fast and fun round of questions

What’s your prediction for when we get back to business as usual - or will we? Tell me something about the future of work that will be fundamentally different post covid.  Work from home - will it last in a post-covid world?  Tell me something your company has done during the pandemic that makes you proud.  In pre-Covid days, we all spent much of our time travelling around the world for our work. But those days are long gone. What’s the best - and worst - thing about not having the crazy travel schedule?