I have a very exciting topic for you today - blockchain NFTs and the metaverse. Joining me to discuss their potential impact on intellectual property is Dr. Randy Stout, neurologist and cell biologist serving as the director of New York Institute of Technology’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) for Biomedical Innovation and the NYIT Imaging Center. His research focuses mainly on understanding the intricate connections between brain cells and their role in various neurological conditions.

NFTs are such a hot topic right now, but what are they, and what is the metaverse? What are some of the common misconceptions? It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction, so Randy helps us tackle these questions. He explains the key difference between the metaverse and the non-metaverse, touches upon tech transfer, elaborates upon the role of augmented reality in the metaverse, shares predictions and hopes about where this technology is headed in the future, and so much more.

In This Episode:

[01:57] Randy explains what NFTs are.

[02:56] Randy addresses misunderstandings about the metaverse.

[05:12] The main difference between the metaverse and other forms of electronic communications is how the user’s interactions function.

[08:04] Where does Randy think tech transfer offices should be directing their attention?

[11:42] It’s important to know the difference between the metaverse and regular electronic communication, and it’s important to keep it in mind when evaluating new tech.

[13:00] Randy talks about how NFTs and the metaverse can enhance medical research.

[15:53] Combining VR with human research, Randy connected with a start-up company in the UK.

[18:41] How does augmented reality play a role in the metaverse?

[22:03] There will be VR glasses and wearables that can let in actual light within 10 to 15 years.

[24:35] Randy and his group have been building things like virtual obstacle courses.

[27:32] VR can be used to detect people’s movements.

[28:55] Randy enthusiastically talks about something exciting on the horizon.

[30:01] Robotics are sometimes combined with VR.

[33:09] Think about the ability for students and faculty to come up with a new idea for a robotics system.

[34:04] How does this affect the tech transfer industry?

[37:27] Randy uses cutting edge microscopes to make amazing discoveries.

[38:23] Randy discusses how AR and VR shape our understanding of neurological disorders.

[41:54] Gap junctions are connections between astrocytes in our brains.

[44:20] Hear about a big component of the AI behind self-driving cars.

[45:11] Randy gives further insight into the VR side of research.

[48:05] Learn about Randy’s collaborative initiatives.

[51:29] They have another study going on right now involving a program that was built with a medical student.

[53:20] How does Randy feel about the intersection of emerging technology in regards to the broader medical community?

[55:42] Technological innovation that improves our lives will hopefully continue.

[56:36] Blockchain will likely be very useful in the future.


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