Generative AI is opening up a whole new world that all of us, at some point, are going to need to learn to navigate. 

From drafting appeal letters to managing heart disease and finding natural disaster survivors, the limits to what generative AI is likely to be able to help humans do (or do on its own) in the near future are seemingly non-existent. 

In this episode, Jonathan Gortat, Director of Licensing and Strategic Alliance at Stanford University’s Office of Technology Licensing, joins us to share some of the most exciting advancements that are being made in the generative AI space, the ethical implications of working with this kind of technology, opportunities for monetization, how to keep up with such a swiftly-evolving field, and so much more!  

In This Episode:

[01:14] Introducing Jonathan Gortat, Director of Licensing and Strategic Alliance at Stanford University’s Office of Technology Licensing.  

[02:53] Where exciting developments in the AI space are taking place.   

[03:13] How most modern generative AI is powered. 

[04:04] Stanford University projects that have enabled generative AI. 

[04:43] How Jonathan predicts generative AI will be used in the near future. 

[07:37] Examples of how generative AI is being used currently. 

[10:00] Some of the key benefits of generative AI.

[11:44] Some of the downsides of generative AI.

[13:28] How to navigate IP hurdles in the generative AI space.

[17:51] Advice for developing sound monetization strategies for generative AI tools.

[20:00] Process innovation versus product innovation.

[20:30] Impacts of the major innovation shifts that have taken place since the Industrial Revolution. 

[24:46] Ethical dilemmas that need to be carefully considered when developing generative AI tools. 

[27:04] Opportunities that the generative AI space holds for Stanford University. 

[30:43] The importance of preparing people for a world in which generative AI is ubiquitous. 


Jonathan Gortat on LinkedIn

This episode is sponsored by FirstIgnite