Google Chrome, should it really be your first browser choice? This episode we go into some of the reasons that we think it's probably a little more malicious than you may think. This is our first two parter, stay tuned for the conclusion!

Sources for what we've mentioned and further information can be found on our website!


Opening Music: Another World by BETTOGH

Google Chrome, should it really be your first browser choice? This episode we go into some of the reasons that we think it’s probably a little more malicious than you may think. This is our first two parter, stay tuned for the conclusion!

Sources are displayed below:

The Register, 2018 Sept. 7, ‘Official: Google Chrome 69 kills off the World Wide Web (in URLs)’Android Police, 2020 June 12, ‘Google resumes its senseless attack on the URL bar, hides full addresses on Chrome 85’The Register, 2017 May 19, ‘Kill Google AMP before it kills the web‘

Chrome vs. Firefox Cookie Info:

The Washington Post, 2019 June 21, ‘Goodbye, Chrome: Google’s Web browser has become spy software’


The Guardian, 2011 March 4, ‘US Justice Department reportedly investigating MPEG LA over VP8 threats’Info World, 2010 May 28, ‘Google’s WebM license could undermine the meaning of ‘open source”

Browser Marketshare:



Opening Music: Another World by BETTOGH