Insider survival guide

In less than 2 weeks from now, more than 90,000 people will be descending on Barcelona for Mobile World Congress aka MWC. TTC has been there & done that so @vicki-kolovou, @athanasios-triantafyllakis, @vagelis-antoniadis, @athanasios-triantafyllakis, and Yannis Rizopoulos wanted to share some inside info with you! So if this is your first time in MWC (or even if you are a seasoned attendee and you need some refreshing - especially this year, that there are some major changes, like the new metro line, for example), then this is definitely the only audio guide to listen. Learn all the tips and tricks to get the job done, meet people, avoid long queues and have such an amazing time that you can’t wait for next year’s MWC.

Additional links & info:
Prepare for MWC entrance: Good to Go

If you are involved in any incident, whether onsite or out of it, in the entire city of Barcelona, you may call + 34 900 77 2016 / this is a free 24-hour Security Service for all those in need. The organizers have teams on motorcycles available to come as soon as possible and offer you personal assistance.

Check this guide to the 2016 Mobile World Congress parties and events calendar by our friends at Barcinno. Don’t forget that the parties and networking events start on Sunday, 21st Feb.