Insybio (from Intelligent Systems Biology) is a bioinformatics company focusing on biomarker discovery while their main product is a software platform to analyze biological data. Christos Alexakos, COO of Insybio, explains that -with the aid of their platform- they research the cause of diseases, not the results, and that’s the first step towards personalised medicine. Meaning, that if we find the right biomarker, we can make drugs adapted to each organism or therapies best suited for each case and the biology of each person. The same platform may be also used for nutrition issues and Insybio has already started a project with international giant Nestle trying to discover biomarkers that can be used to produce nutrition products for personalized diets. Interviewed by Yannis Rizopoulos for Tech Talks Central during the eHealth Forum Festival in Technopolis, October 2016.