Costas Spyropoulos, Director of Research at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications at NCSR “Demokritos” describes the many benefits of the IoT era, when we will have -in only a few years from now- several billions of connected devices all around us, offering terabytes of data and many, many new simple and complex services as an answer to our needs. Dr. Spyropoulos gives some examples of these services in tourism, health, culture, retail and other sectors but he also points out the existing problems in interoperability, privacy and security. He also talks about their research, at NCSR; their own IoT platform and services that use open standards in order to easily extend and foster broad use. Finally, he insists that the public has to be educated on IoT and for that reason, himself and his team participate in conferences to inform the audience and demonstrate best practices. Interviewed by Yannis Rizopoulos for Tech Talks Central.