was the winner of the IoT competition at 4YFN, for 2016. Their system allows anyone to rent, sell or share anything without the use of a middleman. They have set up an ethereum-based locking system -based on blockchain technology- that can be opened with money. Stephan Tual, Founder & COO at, gives an example of its use, explaining how someone could rent their house, without having to put it on a platform like AirBnb; which might not be available in every country and in the end takes a commission. What they would be renting out is the actual door of the apartment -an autonomous object connected to the Internet- using a decentralised database of sort, allowing the users both types of access; to rent and use. Everything can be done through a phone and obviously the prospects are enormous and, may we dare say, quite democratic. Took a lot of imagination to realise the potential of considering every object autonomous, thus transferable, but the guys seem to be onto something. A startup worth keeping an eye on. Start by listening to the interview Sakis Triantafyllakis conducted for Tech Talks Central.