Ring scam revealed (do not call back), On-board Diagnostics port (great way to track car performance), dealing with Spam, callerID spooking (easily done, hard to stop), sharing WiFi (beware of risks), uploading photos to Facefook (controlling your digital content), Profiles in IT (Irwin Jacob, co-founder Qualcomm), Baltimore Robbinhood randsomware attack (slow recovery, sloppy operations), WhatsApp security flaw (very dangerous, install update immediately), carriers promise to stop selling location data again (third should be charm), Idea of the Week (treat Facebook like big tobacco), Invention of the Week (Pro Tech DNA Gel, protect your belongings), TikTok is Chinas most invasive export, and new metric standards released (Le Grand K is gone). This show originally aired on Saturday, May 18, 2019, at 9:00 AM EST on WFED (1500 AM).