Facebook Onavo VPN (violates privacy, delete and replace), Gmail addressing tricks (used to control spam), sharing home WiFi connection with neighbor (pros and cons), first programming language (Python is best option, Ruby a close second), Profiles in IT (Peter Kirstein, father of European Internet), Microsoft finds fake Russian phishing sites, NotPetya attack revisited (what did we learn), Idea of the Week (robots help autistic children), digital detox (important for work-life balance), voting machine software boosts security (after being criticized in Senate, working with DHS and ISAC), Russian science does not produce innovation (too much central control), North Korea creates Mac-based malware (Apple finally gets respect), and iPhone Emergency SOS feature (easily configured). This show originally aired on Saturday, August 25, 2018, at 9:00 AM EST on WFED (1500 AM).