The Enabler

This is a video interview from our podcast Tech Startups Germany. All the recordings on this channel are made possible by Invest in Hessen (learn more hereĀ

The Podcasts

We will post this interview and all others as podcast(s) next Tuesday night Central European Time. Subscribe here and have them on our device when you wake up:

šŸ’¢ Audio only - Tech Startups Germany by





šŸ’¢ Video - Tech Startups Germany by



We come to love the work ethics here. Frankfurt is a work minded city.

Peter Hart during his interview

Ā The Founder

In this interview for we are talking to Peter Hart (, a serial entrepreneur, based in Frankfurt. Despite being just 28 years old, Peter already launched 12 ventures. He started out back in 2015 with his consumer product brand Dr. Severin ( During his first venture launch, Joe interviewed Peter in German back in 2015. We talk to him about his newest venture Pythia AI (


I donā€™t divide between business books and private books. If you grow personally, you grow as a leader.

Peter Hart during his interview

Ā The Story

We talk to him to learn more about his 12thĀ venture, called Pythia AI ( Pythia was started when Peter followed his data-driven approach to launch new consumer products and he got approached by Rossmann (, Germanyā€™s 2ndĀ largest chain of drug stores. The drug store chain invested in the startup ( to help them with forecasting trends for product development.

In case you are wondering: The venture is named after the priest, founding and serving the Oracle of Delphi in Greek mythology (

Peter looks a bit tired in the interview, since he just returned from opening an office in Sunny Vale, in the Silicon Valley.


We are very happy with the talent pool here (in Frankfurt), especially the engineers.

Peter Hart during his interview

Ā The Silicon Valley Journey

During his time in Silicon Valley, Peter wanted to reach out to venture capital investors. He went along the two main streets where they are headquartered and knocked on their doors. Surprisingly this was very successful, and it appears no one has done this before.

Series A Venture Capital Round

Despite knocking on many doors in Silicon Valley, Pythia is not done with their fundraising and they are looking for additional investors for their Series A fundraising.


I think philosophy goes really well with business. You formulate a more concrete business philosophy.

Peter Hart during his interview

Find the video interview here:

Peterā€™s Top Book Picks

Principles by Ray DalioĀ

The man who solved the marketĀ

What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business CultureĀ

The little princeĀ

Friedrich Nietzscheā€™s Books:

Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One isĀ Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and NoneĀ

Herman Hesseā€™s BooksĀ

Before the Top Book List, we talked about ā€œThe hard thing about hard thingsā€Ā


Wikipedia links for further reading

Herman HesseĀ

Friedrich NietzscheĀ

Arthur SchopenhauerĀ

And maybe you want to have a look at the often quoted VC Ben HorowitzĀ