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The tradition

This is a tradition. Every year close to Christmas Joe gets together with smart people from the German fintech scene and talks about what was going on. Usually, the discussion drifts fast in a talk show and does not stick to the usual news format. None the less it is very informative and there are great ideas for fintech entrepreneurs and investors here.

Trust is repeated positive experience – Frank Schwab during’s 2019 Fintech Review

 This episode was made possible by Hessen Trade and Invest, learn more at

Find the video and more content here:

The tradition

This is a tradition. Every year close to Christmas Joe gets together with smart people from the German fintech scene and talks about what was going on. Usually, the discussion drifts fast in a talk show and does not stick to the usual news format. None the less it is very informative and there are great ideas for fintech entrepreneurs and investors here.

Trust is repeated positive experience – Frank Schwab during’s 2019 Fintech Review

 This episode was made possible by Hessen Trade and Invest, learn more at 

To digitize the relationship with clients in banking, that will be the unicorn – Paolo Sironi during’s 2019 Fintech Review

Our Guests

(in alphabetic order)

Mario Hachemer, CTO Fastbill (

Luka Ivicevic, Co-Founder / Chief of Staff at Penta (

Frank Schwab, Co-Founder Fintech Forum (

Paolo Sironi , Author and Thought Leader IBM (


Jörn “Joe” Menninger, Founder and Host

[email protected] / Twitter  / LinkedIn / Video Interview (2018)

To succeed in Fintech you need to digitize the client relationship – Paolo Sironi during’s 2019 Fintech Review

Further Reading

During the discussion we are touching:

Challenger Bank / Neo Bank

Share of Wallet




Mortgage market shares in Germany. Statista has only numbers for 2015, but online banks had a 40% market share:

Goldman Sachs’ Marcus:


Having a good user experience is ok, but it will not lead to a transformation people will do banking – Paolo Sironi during’s 2019 Fintech Review


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