Join Simon Kraetschmer at IFA 2017 when he is about to play advanced. He is interviewing Andreas Schicker, Head of eSports at Logitech as well as Pepe Dijkstra, Senior European Product Manager Displays at Samsung.

The host: Simon Kraetschmer (@bimon)

Simon Krätschmer is Co-Founder of the German Internet TV channel Rocketbeans TV. The 38 year old started as a host of the gaming TV show GIGA in 2001, later hosted the MTV gaming show Game One from 2006 to 2014. Since 2015 he is one of many hosts on Rocket Beans TV. They received the German Television Award in the category " Best Presentation Entertainment" this year. Thanks to his big passion and his many years of work experience, Simon is an experienced and partially competent videogame expert as well as a big film fan.

Logitech G:

Production: Maria Lorenz & Nilz Bokelberg –

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