Legislation is coming in the UK and Europe that could change the internet. But is the public consulted? Not much. 

Vicki Shotbolt and Geraldine Bedell talk to Ellen Judson of Demos, who has been researching public attitudes to online harms.

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Talking points:
Why does the discussion of ‘what to do about the internet’ tend to go on over people’s heads among politicians, think tankers, tech companies and academics?
The technological options may not be immediately clear - but shouldn’t it be possible to reach a public consensus on what we care about?
We increasingly talk the language of rights when we talk about online harms. Does this help?
People are very anxious about online harms - but a minority believe that they have personally experienced harm. Are we overreacting?
Are younger adults more tolerant of online risks and harms?

Tech Shock is a Parent Zone production. Follow Parent Zone on social media for all the latest on our work on helping families to thrive in the digital age. Presented by Vicki Shotbolt. Tech Shock is produced and edited by Tim Malster.
