Vicki and Geraldine talk to Sarah Drummond of design agency Snook about baking safety into the design of tech products and services.
Talking points:
How far can designers affect our online experiences?The internet - as designed so far - doesn’t always seem to be in our best interests so why should we trust designers?'Safety tech’ implies bolting tools onto existing services - is there a better way of thinking about designing for safety?Is tech innovation possible without making mistakes?Could ’safer’ platforms and services become more attractive than those that prioritise persuasive design to keep us clicking?

Further reading: 

Marc Goodman: Future Crimes, Inside the digital underground and the battle for our connected world (Transworld, 2015)

Tech Shock is a Parent Zone production. Follow Parent Zone on social media for all the latest on our work on helping families to thrive in the digital age. Presented by Vicki Shotbolt. Tech Shock is produced and edited by Tim Malster.
