Ben and Derek get together to finally hash out the Tech Neutrality debate once and for all. And it turns out to have a pretty happy ending!

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39: Does Tech Make you Dumb?

Derek: “All technology can be good or bad. But it’s not necessarily a question of good or evil. All technology can be good and evil, but its never neutral. We always have to think about that technology in and of itself affect culture in a particular way. [Gutenberg + iPhone]. It can’t possibly be neutral as a technology, and it’s not necessary good or bad, but we have to keep in mind that these things change our lives. We just want to make sure that they are changing them in the way that we want them to. Thinking critically about technology is part of redeeming technology. And yeah, that’s just very important.”

So, I would not say that it is neutral. “Realizing that technology is not neutral suddenly changes the entire way that you think about technology.”

40: Tech Neutrality

Ben: sin requires agency
Derek: Technology is defined by utility
Ben: technology is being anthropomorphized unhelpfully
Ben: the shovel “hurts” us because of the Fall/curse
Tank: long term usage it and exposure to technology changes the way we think and look at the world
Derek: yes, technology shapes our worldview in an unconscious way
Dyer: language (one tech) includes genders and changes the way we perceive objects
Ben: our problem is one of communication, specifically with the word “neutral”
Derek: yes, let’s not be mindless consumers. Uncritical use leads quickly to sin.
Ben: Matthew 15 - I don’t want this to absolve people of culpability for their sin.
Derek: of course! I agree! But sin’s desire is for you and technology is made by us!
Tank: pornography proves that technology is not neutral. There are things that can only be used for evil.
Derek: but everything can be used for good because even the worst things show us how bad we are and how much we need God

53: Inanimate Milk

Derek: the new iPhone affects your life at least a little even if you only know there’s a new iPhone that you don’t have
Ben: It’s really all in how you use it.

81: Rugged Marriage Crossover

Derek: shovel analogy restated.
Ben: Technology is not sinful. Technology is not causative. Technology is not accountable.
Everyone: Technology = Utility + Purpose + Innovation
Ben really whiffed on the porn question.

Derek agreed with my whiff.

Ben: circumstances we find ourselves in are occasions for temptations to sin or opportunities for godliness
Ben: I can’t claim before God that “Technology made me do it!”
Ben: It’s an issue of the human heart
Derek: It has an influence though!
Ben used the wrong word (correlative). Technology is instrumental.
Derek: Technology can be either good or bad, but it is never neither. (I AGREE)
Derek: My point is that it has a trajectory and an influence.
Ben: I’m trying to be a good biblical counselor here in this conversation.

In the Slack

Derek: Humans are very predictable and tend to do the same things as each other.

116: Plagued by Individualism

Ben: Derek has essentially ceded all ground to me in this argument. His argument is changing.

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Derek Mast
Ben Robin

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Music used by special permission of Matthew Parker. Check him out on SoundCloud and iTunes!

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