Bloomberg doubles down on its Supermicro supply chain attack story, Epic Games files an antitrust complaint against Apple in the EU, and all this pandemic screen time is affecting us.

First, computer security technologist Bruce Schneier joins Tech News Weekly to talk about Bloomberg's new report regarding supply chain attacks. Back in 2018, the outlet claimed major tech companies had servers compromised by surveillance devices — now it's doubling down.

Then, Rene Ritchie provides an update on the Epic Games vs. Apple saga. After attempting to introduce some legislation at the state level in the United States, the company has filed an antitrust complaint against Apple in the EU.

Then, Debugger's Angela Lashbrook stops by to explain some of the ways our increased screen time is affecting us during the pandemic. Lashbrook also shares some advice on ways to mitigate those effects and what we can expect when things "return to normal."

Lastly, Jason shares his excitement and lack thereof about the updates coming to the Oculus Quest 2 and Mikah talks about Facebook and Google's handling of new legislation in Australia.

Hosts: Jason Howell and Mikah Sargent

Guests: Bruce Schneier, Rene Ritchie, and Angela Lashbrook

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