Florida water hackers, "I'm not a cat" filter, Slack for Android security.

A water treatment plant in Florida was hacked and was nearly poisoned as a result. Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai from VICE has the details.
Janhoi McGregor from Forbes talked to PlayStation 5 scalpers to understand their bot systems and found out that they feel misunderstood.
A lawyer went viral when his courtroom Zoom video placed a kitten in his place. Thomas Smith from Debugger found out how he did it.
Android users of Slack might want to change their password after login credentials were stored in plain text on device.
A Beverly Hills Cop played a popular Sublime song when he knew he was being live-streamed by a civilian.

Hosts: Jason Howell and Mikah Sargent

Guests: Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, Janhoi McGregor, and Thomas Smith

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