Does your business need a people strategy that can accelerate growth?

That’s what I’m discussing today with Andrew Bartlow, who is the CEO of People Leader Accelerator.  Andrew has more than 25 years of HR experience and helps tech leaders be more strategic and more successful.

Andrew shares his experience and insights regarding scaling a startup organization and constantly reexamining priorities.  He also discusses his principles for organizational success that include clarity, consistency, and communication.

Andrew also discusses his book, Scaling for Success:  People Priorities for High-Growth Organizations.  The book helps readers identify the core people management programs and practices that are best for an organization based on its current stage and size.

Andrew also shares information about how and why to reexamine your priorities constantly.  He talks about why things that worked last year likely won’t cut it next year as the company scales and the economic & employment environment changes.

Today on the Tech Leader Talk podcast:

- The 3 Cs of organizational success

- Necessary changes when growing your team

- Helping tech leaders be more successful

- How to constantly reexamine your priorities

- Managing change in your organization

Book Recommendation:

High Growth Handbook by Elad Gil -

Connect with Andrew Bartlow:



Thanks for listening!

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