The prototyping process is the first step in the product development journey. To go from idea to live app, site or algorithm, you need to test it with target users.

A good prototype can get you funding, but more importantly, it can show you whether the concept is worth pursuing in the first place.

One of the biggest mistakes non-technical founders make is hiring developers before they have a tested prototype. Listen to this episode and avoid this costly mistake.


Learning notes from this episode:

The prototype serves as an illustration of your product: it looks and feels like an app / site, but you don't need to write code to make it. Algorithms in their simplest form can be tested using a spreadsheet. The design process consists of 4 phases: discover, define, develop and deliver To make a prototype, start with research: "Design is not just about how to build a solution, but whether a problem needs solving in the first place. Before working on prototypes and wire frames, find a market need." Jane Austin, Chief Design Officer at Flo Health


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