Managing For Career Development with Claire Lew and Dan Hodos
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Claire Lew ( CEO of Know Your Company (
Dan Hodos: Table XI’s ( Director of Operations
How can you get honest feedback from co-workers, even when you are their manager? How can you support your team's career growth and support them as they improve their skills? Claire Lew, the CEO of Know your Company, and Dan Hodos, Table XI's Director of Operations, join Noel to discuss why listening is the most important thing you can do when getting feedback, how specific questions can break the "fine" reflex, how sticky notes can help with career growth, and the one thing you should never do in a one-on-one meeting.
01:33 - Why One-on-One Meetings Are Important
03:16 - Creating a Safe Space for Employees: Make Empathy Your Mission
05:03 - Active Listening and Asking Questions
07:15 - How often should these meetings occur?
08:58 - Sponsorship and Career Mentoring
10:19 - Table XI’s “Sticky Note Game”
12:56 - What are the things you shouldn’t do during a one-on-one?
15:18 - Receiving Feedback
- Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (
- Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration (
19:41 - Favorite Questions
21:03 - Balancing Natural Conversation with Asking Tough Questions
24:12 - Conducting Remote One-on-Ones
25:29 - Investing in Your Mentees
29:17 - Surprising Revelations Learned While Building Know Your Company
- Our Biggest Blindspots (
32:24 - Creating Environments for Employees to Flourish
* Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (
* The Know Your Company Blog (
* The Know Your Company Knowledge Center (
* Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration (
* Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
* taking an improv class.
* RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (
* Bossypants by Tina Fey ( Special Guests: Claire Lew and Dan Hodos.

Managing For Career Development with Claire Lew and Dan Hodos

Follow us on Twitter @tech_done_right, leave us a review on iTunes, and please sign up for our newsletter!


Claire Lew: CEO of Know Your Company

Dan Hodos: Table XI’s Director of Operations


How can you get honest feedback from co-workers, even when you are their manager? How can you support your team's career growth and support them as they improve their skills? Claire Lew, the CEO of Know your Company, and Dan Hodos, Table XI's Director of Operations, join Noel to discuss why listening is the most important thing you can do when getting feedback, how specific questions can break the "fine" reflex, how sticky notes can help with career growth, and the one thing you should never do in a one-on-one meeting.


01:33 - Why One-on-One Meetings Are Important

03:16 - Creating a Safe Space for Employees: Make Empathy Your Mission

05:03 - Active Listening and Asking Questions

07:15 - How often should these meetings occur?

08:58 - Sponsorship and Career Mentoring

10:19 - Table XI’s “Sticky Note Game”

12:56 - What are the things you shouldn’t do during a one-on-one?

15:18 - Receiving Feedback

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration

19:41 - Favorite Questions

21:03 - Balancing Natural Conversation with Asking Tough Questions

24:12 - Conducting Remote One-on-Ones

25:29 - Investing in Your Mentees

29:17 - Surprising Revelations Learned While Building Know Your Company

Our Biggest Blindspots

32:24 - Creating Environments for Employees to Flourish



Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
The Know Your Company Blog
The Know Your Company Knowledge Center


Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

taking an improv class.


RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
Bossypants by Tina Fey

Special Guests: Claire Lew and Dan Hodos.

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Table XI: A trusted UX design + software development company. We are 35 meticulous and curious minds in Chicago with a 15 year history of building websites, mobile applications and custom digital experiences for everyone from startups to storied brands. Our partners trust us to create innovative solutions that drive their businesses forward.

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