Darrens niece Heather calls in to report on Darrens hair fire this weekend during the BBQ. Whiskers (Jen) is stuck in traffic so dials into the show. Jen shares her hair story - using her hair as dental floss. Darren shares his post surgery glue peeling in his belly button. Rafi gives us an update on his sexy shirtless videos that did not happen. Then what are we reporting on, says Darren? Rafi shares what his last actual serious show was - A Christmas Carol performed in Lancaster PA at Junction Center. Fast forward to today, Rafi appears as one of the sexy wait staff on Billions Season 6 Episode 10. Jen tells us she likes nut milk and that pineapples make it more swallowable. Jen and Rafi recommended that milk lovers like Darren should try Macadamia milk or Califia's Coconut Almond Milk or Aloha Oat Milk - but with any brand be careful of too much sugar or gross sugar replacements like Stevia. Jen shares what its like to lick a stevia leaf. Darren shares what it's like to down Bai coconut water pumped out of the polluted rivers of Trenton NJ. And Rafi shares his love of baked Pirates Booty.

April 19th 10pm ET - prerecording interview with Elisa Hebert - article on Don't say Gay Law and the huge response (see https://bit.ly/elisaflorida)