Darren invites Romaine Patterson into the ASYLUM, and Joe Jordan returns again. And of course Jen is with us. Romaine shares her DNR show headaches (Mark from MN) and how they have helped people (Mark from MN) and one of her most embarrassing DNR moments (Glory Holes). Darren shares his most embarrassing DNR moment (forgetting Romaine's parents were gone). The trio ask Romaine for her advice to succeed, and Hooker Hotline history, as the ASYLUM listens to their first Hotline call from Wayward Tom (as Romaine tells the story of how he got his nickname). And the group answer a theoretical question about whether they would attend a Spring party in NJ post-vaccine and what the rules of attendance could be. Tune in to a great show! Or watch us at https://bit.ly/asylumlive.