Teatime with Miss Liz's first guest to start a new month. April brings Marklyn T. Johnson from Marklyn Speaks on April 6th at 10 AM EST LIVE SHOWS STREAMING ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS AND PODCASTS APPS Marklyn T. Johnson was born and raised in central New Jersey and is a graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Marklyn has worked in the production industry for over twenty years speaking everywhere from schools, churches, and other live events. Marklyn idolized many men, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Michael Jordan and Tupac Shakur. These figures inspired Marklyn to follow his dreams, embrace his passions, and speak his mind. However, Marklyn’s greatest idol was his father, Willie. Marklyn’s father was a very strict man due to his struggles in life that many men of colour (African Americans) must, unfortunately, deal with. When he looks back on his life, Marklyn regrets ignoring the life lessons his father taught him.
However, when he thinks about the man he’s become today- how he tells it like it is, how he tries to lift others up, and his willingness to help others, he is reminded that he is a walking example of his father’s teachings. Time and again, Marklyn has seen kids who are down on themselves. He’s seen friends who are discouraged. While following his dreams, Marklyn encountered many people with the same dream. However, they don’t always understand the drive and passion it takes. Even in their deepest despair, Marklyn wants to motivate them and lift their spirits. Marilyn T. Johnson’s story is one of someone who has taken what he has been given and given it to others. His story is of a lost soul who found his talents and wants to give them to the world. Marklyn’s motto: My story can be yours if you stay persistent and consistent. His favourite colour is Red/Navy BluePassionately REAL TALK – Are that three words? LOLHe born and raised in the United States of America (NEW JERSEY)
