January 8th, 7pm
"Bringing you" Dry January."
Husband and Wife Team Dave and Susan Kenney. From Emergo Academy
What is Dry January — Alcohol contributes to anxiety, low mood and depression, and Dry January is an excellent opportunity to encourage individuals to look at lifestyle issues. Dry January is a campaign where people sign up to abstain from alcohol for the month of January.
'''' What does 'recovery' actually mean? To recover is to regain something lost or to a regular health state.
The #1 In-Demand coaching niche globally is Recovery & Crisis Coaching.
Sadly, this trend only shows signs of greater demand in the next decade as the rise in mental health, emotional stress, divorce rates, addictions and self-destructive behaviours, and suicide attempts only continues to rise.
The cause of this global crisis is complex and integrated. Yet the solution lies within each individual taking responsibility and ownership for their health and wellbeing.
The efficacy of coaching has been shown in business, fitness, nutrition, finance, sports, and other specifically trained coaching fields. Yet when facing dire personal circumstances, it is omnipotent to lean into a coach who is equally trained and experienced in leading the individual through a process of recovery—to overcome a crisis and thrive.
"What does 'recovery' actually mean? To recover is to get back something lost in the recovery process or to return to a normal state of health.
2011 Susan and Dave Kenney saw a need and opened a private residential recovery and wellness program. This innovative program centred around a brain-first approach to lasting recovery. Leading a team of nearly thirty professionals, they worked with and impacted more than two thousand families.
Then, the world changed.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, they were forced to shut their doors. When this unexpected adversity hit, the Kenneys stepped back and asked, Kenneys' How can we serve?'.
They reemerged with a new, more significant vision to help others in need, and 2022 Emergo Academy was born.
Emergo Academy offers Recovery and crisis Coach training, education, mentoring and certification programs for aspiring coaches, seasoned coaches, professionals, or anyone looking to make a more significant impact and live a life of vibrant freedom.
Emergo Academy's mission is to continue to provide the gold standard in Recovery and Crisis Coach Certification and education programs worldwide. The academy is committed to transforming the lives of one million people by inspiring and supporting a thousand coaches, each impacting a thousand clients. This ambitious goal is set to be achieved by 2026.
