Join us on November 29th at 2 PM EST for a teatime that will share the importance of mental health through the mindset of colouring in her own creative colouring books.

Annette Chiappee is a mother of 3 wonderful children and lives in New Lowell, Ontario, Canada. In 2010 she was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. After which she made a life-altering decision to learn to love herself.

Learned to Love Myself was born from those lessons. Today she is a Self-Love Coach holding space, listening lovingly, without judgment, completely present for others.

She has authored the mindfulness colouring books and card series, “Love, Kindness, & Compassion”.

Annette speaks on loving oneself and promotes self-healing and through her principles, she helps others.

Annette incorporates love, kindness, and compassion into everything. She loves nature, yoga, and riding.

Annette’s purpose is to spread and inspire more Love, Kindness & Compassion

Annette Chiappe, Self-Love Coach, Author & Artist, Speaker

[email protected]