Hey All!

It's Rich here, just checking in to introduce a little something I've been kicking around...a thing that I'll be calling: The Lore Behind the War!

I've been enjoying the Transformers TCG so much, that it's brought me into the Transformers Universe a bit more that I've expected! I started looking into things related to Wave 3, which of course is tied into Hasbro's SIEGE: War for Cybertron Trilogy line, and found a bunch of things all connected! Wave 3 (of course), a toy line, (that's looking fantastic, by the way!) a semi-related comic series by IDW Publishing, (also very cool), and even a Netflix series in 2020! All this is hitting all the right buttons for this G1 aged fan!

So what does that have to do with Team RTFC? Well, to be honest, it gives me an excuse to geek out and take all this stuff in and find the cool links here and there to all things Transformers TCG. Hunt down card art references, find cool clues hidden in packaging or the pages of the stories, and beyond!

Anytime you see an article posted with the logo above, it'll be me talking about something tangential to Wave 3 and the War for Cybertron line!

I'm excited, and you should be too! I'll see you on the front line!
